Farmville 2 FREE gifts for the Crafting workshop or the Crafting Kitchen for you, They are 20 power, give it good use and prepare what you want with them. Remember that you can receive this free Farmville 2 gift once a day, so come back tomorrow to get more.
You just have to give click at the item below and enjoy your gifts completely free.
Power is a consumable in FarmVille 2. It is used in the Kitchen, Crafting Kiln and Workshop in order to create recipes.
You have a maximum capacity of 30. Each finished recipe in any of those three buildings cost Power 1 Power. Regenerating Power 1 Power costs Clock 4 minutes. You can also get 10 power from a Furnace which regenerates in Clock 23 hours.
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We want to gift you with some Special Farmville 2 Free Power Fertilizer And Speed Grow Pack ( For All Farmers )
Click on the images below to obtain them!
Click on the images below to obtain them!